Accord Software, Inc.


 * Accord Software, Inc.
 * Tutorial 11 - CIDL file.
 * Sending array of structures and returning a 
 * struct via reference and directly.

#include "s_array.h"

 * return struct coord *

struct coord *
	struct coord sp[COUNT];
	static char *p = "returned by reference";
	static struct coord retval;
	int j;

	memset(&retval, 0, sizeof(struct coord));

	for (j = 0; j < COUNT; j++) {
		retval.x += sp[j].x; 
		retval.y += sp[j].y;
		retval.z += sp[j].z;
		printf("%d %d %d %s\n", 
			sp[j].x, sp[j].y, sp[j].z, sp[j].token);

	retval.token = p;
	return &retval;

 * return struct coord
 * remember to zero out pointers

struct coord
	struct coord sp[COUNT];
	static char *d = "returned directly";
	struct coord *rp;
	struct coord r;

	memset(&r, 0, sizeof(struct coord));

	rp = sp_array(sp);

	r.x = rp->x;
	r.y = rp->y;
	r.z = rp->z;
	r.token = d;

	return r;

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[P-052] Updated March 14, 1996
Copyright © 1993-1996 Accord Software, Inc. All rights reserved.